Using GitPlus


Include the GitPlus library in your build:

Make sure you have API key(s) for your remote service provider that you need. See the properties file section

Sequence of use

Details of each of the following stages is given below

  1. Instantiation
  2. Configuration with either methods or properties
  3. Invoke gitPlus.execute() - this validates the configuration, then does whatever it is has been configured to do. Note that this method must ALWAYS be called before using a GitPlus instance, even if you are not creating anyhting



Add GitPlusModule to your injector, and inject GitPlus where needed


A factory is available for use outside Guice. Use with a try-resources block:

try (GitPlus gitPlus = GitPlusFactory.getInstance()) {
    final GitLocal gitLocal = gitPlus.getLocal();
    final GitLocalConfiguration localConfig = gitLocal.getConfiguration();
    // do stuff
catch (Exception e){




Configuration can be done directly with configuration properties, or using a number of convenience methods which just set up the configuration for you. The latter is obviously simpler.

Some elements - API Keys for example - are expected to be in a properties file.

The configuration structure matches the structure of GitPlus:

  • local
  • remote
  • wikiLocal

Note that local and remote are active by default, and wikiLocal is not active by default. These can be changed, for example:

The detailed configuration lists each of the options.

Typical Scenarios

In each of the scenarios listed below, there is a convenience method to set up the configuration, and then usually a suggestion of what other options are available. If you want to set the configuration yourself, it is probably easiest to look at the code for the convenience methods as a start point

Create a new local project, with matching repo on GitHub


gitPlus.createLocalAndRemote(cloneParentDir, remoteRepoUserName, projectName, includeWiki, projectCreator)

Note: projectCreator is optional.

This provides a minimum configuration, and will create a local repo and push it to GitHub.
if projectCreator is provided, it is invoked to build the project locally before pushing to remote. The default simply adds a to the project directory. A related project provides at least one implementation

You may also want to use your own set of issue labels:


An issue map is simply a Map<String,String> containing a key-value of issue label-issue colour

Clone an existing project from GitHub


gitPlus.cloneFromRemote(parentDir, remoteRepoUserName, projectName, includeWiki, cloneExistsResponse) 

Use just for remote

If you want to just manage issue labels, raise issues or other remote only tasks, simply configure GitPlus with:
